August 2013 Moms

My story...Sorry for the book

SO I have been lurking around here for about 2 months. I most likely would have never posted until our scare Saturday night.

This is a little history. I am 23 and my husband is 24. We are pregnant with our first and were ecstatic when we found out. We tried for 6 months. We were high school sweethearts and have been together 7 years, married 2. I am an Accountant and this is tax season so my job is pretty high stress. My husband is an avionics technician.

We are 11w 5d pregnant, due August 9. We had our initial appointment Dec. 3 and our pregnancy was confirmed via blood test. I should also add we are both in perfect health. In the week following my doctor called to inform me I had a UTI and prescribed an antibiotic, which I took.  We had a second appointment Dec. 19 and saw our sweet baby (only one) via vaginal ultrasound. We also saw a perfect little heart beat. I was measuring 6w 5d. My 12 week appointment was not scheduled until this Friday.

Last Monday I started feeling like the UTI had returned so I called my OB. I went in for a test and sure enough it was back (they did not check the baby). I started my second round of antibiotics, which I finished this Monday. During my first tri I have had mild m/s, fatigue, constipation, and sore boobes (basic 1st tri pregnancy symptoms). No spotting.

 Saturday night was the worst night of my life. We were at a friends birthday dinner and it was around 7ish. I was standing up and felt a gush of something, almost like I peed myself. I went to the bathroom to find blood EVERYWHERE. A huge gush of bright red blood filled the toilet. We were 5 minutes from the ER so we rushed over. I had NO cramping. They took me straight to the back. The bleeding had stopped just as quickly as it came on. The on call doctor did a pelvic exam and found some clotting, but my cervix was closed. They then took me back for the ultrasound. I have never been so scared in my entire life. Immediately the tech said she saw the baby and a heart beat. The happiest moment of my life, haha. The baby was moving both arms and legs, and even turned over for us. The heart beat was 179. The placenta was nowhere near the cervix, it was exactly where the tech said it should have been. I measured 11w 1d (two days ahead of schedule) My blood test came back normal. They said they had no idea what could have caused it, and that sometimes pregnancy causes unexplainable things to happen. I was put on bed rest for 48 hours.

I called my OB Monday morning and they told me unless I really felt it was necessary I should wait until my appointment Friday to come in. They weren't concerned because of the results of the ER ultrasound and the fact that my cervix was closed. I have had no cramping or bleeding since. I have spotted some brown (old blood), which I know is just leftover.

I said all that to say this, I am still scared to death something is wrong. We haven't told anyone other than immediate family and some close friends we are pregnant. We were waiting until this appointment. Now I am scared to tell ANYONE. I am so paranoid. I would just like to get some opinions. Again sorry for this book, and sorry if I left out any important details.

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