Pregnant after IF

Laparoscopy Question from IFV

Hi ladies! 

I was hoping you might be able to offer some laparoscopic surgery advice.  I posted my long winded update on IFV and I will paraphrase it here: my new clinic found a blocked left tube and hydrosalpinx in both both tubes. 

A few questions: what can I expect with the surgery?  I am flying out to CO for the surgery so what should I allow for recovery before flying back home to CA?  Was your blocked tube associated with endo?  Any general advice or story of personal experience and or success to ease my mind with this would be appreciated!

Thank you and hugs to you and your growing LO(s)!

Countless BFN(s)
Moving to IVF

IVF1 (ICSI): Long Lupron
6R. 3F. 3DT. 8Cell 1Grade 2Embies. 1Frostie.
Beta 1/22: 14 Beta 1/24: 24 Beta 1/26: 28
Round One Result: Chemical Pregnancy

Pressing Forward

IVF2 (ICSI/AH/ACU): Microdose Lupron Flare
13R. 11F. 5DT. 2TFR'ed. 1Frostie.
Round Two Result 4/30: Harsh BFN

FET. 2TFR'ed.
Round THREE Result 6/25: BFN
Where do we go from here?

Moving forward with CCRM in 2013
ODWU revealed blocked tube(s). Lap 2/15.
Bilateral Tubal Ligation. Stage IV Endo.
Finally some (tough) answers.


photo endo-girls.jpg
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