3rd Trimester

How to say in a nice way

Okay im sure you ladies are getting the same thing the "is your baby here yet" or my favorite "do you know when your babys gunna be here" texts or when people jokingly tell you when its convenient for them to go ahead and have your baby. Im so sick of these! I dont mind someone asking how i feel but i think i would tell you when i had my child and not just skip that part. Do any of you ladies have a nice way of telling people to pretty much back off? I dont wanna sound bitchy but im seriously going to snap on someone if they tell me " well im off work these days so u should have your baby then". Uhm excuse me would you like to have him for me?! Sorry im ranting but its so aggravateing rude. People who dont understand giving birth and labor dont get it obviously. Thanks for listening to me rant! Gl every1!
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