
uplifting story

My DS is 10 weeks old.  I tried to EBF, but he, like many newborns, was very slow at eating and as a mom to a DD (5 yo) it was very difficult to be present and available to my DD while still committing the time to BF.  As a result I decided to EP. 

Fastforward 10 weeks.  I often felt sad/regretting giving up BFing but was happy that i was still providing exclusive BM for baby.  A few nights ago he was fussy for no aparent reason.  After the bath, changing, feeding, swaddling etc. etc. etc. I decided on a whim to offer him the breast, which he latched onto immediately.  he mostly "comfort sucked" for about 40 minutes.  Each night since then, at the end of the day on his last feeding before bed I have been able to breastfeed him.  I feel so lucky to be able to do this!  He has a great latch, and I cannot believe that after 10 weeks of binkies and bottles he can nurse like a champ.  I feel happy that I can be there for my DS and my DD during the day and then have that special time at DS at the end of the day. 

Just putting it out there that it is possible to BF even after EPing!  Happy mommy over here : )

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