
Relactating? Any help?

Hello! I've never been on this board (Sept 12 is where I'm usually at) but I recently heard about relactating and was hoping you ladies could help me out.

DD was born 9/25/12 and the plan was to BF.  Well there were some problems (difficulty latching, coupled with not nearly enough milk) where we ended up just giving her formula because I couldnt produce enough milk.  I was pumping every few hours and would only get about 2oz a day.

She is 4 months now and if its possible I'd love to try the relactating and was wondering if you ladies had any tips, advice, or any information for me as to how I'd go about this.  TIA!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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