3rd Trimester

Induction scheduled. Bittersweet.

I had my internal today and I am at 3 cm, 70% effaced. I have been battling with them over not scheduling a c-section simply based on a "large baby" prediction, but I was technically induced with DS when my water broke and nothing had happened for 14 hours. So, I'm not altogether against inductions. I had a really great experience with DS. My OB didn't talk about a c-section, but did mention the induction at 39 weeks.

I talked about my fears with the pitocin dosages, and that I wanted to be sure that they were starting at 1, and increasing only every 45 minutes to an hour by 1-2. The OB confirmed that that is how they conduct inductions to lessen the risk of the baby going into distress and the need for an unnecessary c-section. Granted, anything can happen, but that did make me feel better.

Induction is scheduled for next Friday morning, unless he decides to come before then. I cried on the way home from all of the emotions. The two main things were that DS won't be my only little boy anymore, and everything is about to change for our family. We only have from now until next Friday to be a family of 3, so I'm hoping that we can do some fun things with DS.

The other thought was, "Holy fluck. This is really happening."

I haven't been emotional this pregnancy until now. It's all just mind blowing.

Rant over.

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