Pregnant after IF

I know this has been asked a million times...

..but the search function on TB stinks and I can't find exactly what I am looking for. If you announced on FB, how and what did you say and/or do?

My DH and I are finally ready to annouce but I am at a loss for words at the moment. I would like to reference our journey to this point and thank all those who have supported us through the journey, and also acknowledge that my heart is with those that are still waiting.

I hate being so bad with words! TIA!

TTC #1 since 6/2010
8 IUIs - 3 Cancelled cycles - 1 Ectopic Pregnancy with Left tube removal = A broken heart
IVF #1 : Fall 2012
15R - 13M - 13F w/ICSI - Transferred 2 day 5 blasts = BFP!!!
8 Frosties!
Beta #1: 135, Beta #2: 312, Beta #3: 996
10/21: Saw one beautiful flickering heartbeat! EDD: 6/12/13

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