Dads & Dads-to-be

Need Dad advice

I don't know if it's him stressing over our soon to be DD coming, but he is being a donkey's butt latley. With 8 weeks left I feel like he is putting everything off till the last minute, like baby cloths and gear. We are not having a shower since this is number 2 and I don't know anyone here other then the In-laws. He thinks that our parents are going to get everything once the baby is born. I still have somethings from DD1 like furniture, some cloths, etc.. He keeps repeating that his parents are going to do for him what his sisters got when they had their kids. I am not 100% thrilled with the idea that he is depending on our parents. I feel bad because I have to sneak cloths that I buy in.

Second issue last night, I was admitted into L&D because I failed my NST test, I had my 2 year old with me and the first thing the nurse says " I hope you have someone coming for her, because if you go into labor this isn't going to work" I call DH once I get in my room and tell him he starts getting moody about it since he just got home from work. I told him I don't know how long I will be there. He then says if this is going to keep happening then I need to send DD to my mom or her dad's. He has never been to a doctors appointment or any time that I have been in L&D. After he finally gets there they release me rest of the night I walk around on egg shells while being on bedrest. I feel like he doesn't care.

** Note DD1 is one of the opps outcome one time thing with X DH during Divorce. DD has never met her father nor was he even involved. ***

Anyone have any advice, on how to handle all this?

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