Dads & Dads-to-be

In need of advice...

Maybe I'm not the only one out there but my husband is getting so frustrated because I want to sleep a lot and when I get wore out doing the simpliest things around the house. He claims "I won't do any more than you do around here." I mean laundry hasn't been done in over 3 weeks because it takes so much for me to just get it off the bedroom floor and out the door to the laundry mat. Dishes haven't been done in over a month...we've been eating out of tupperware bowls. There is dirt on the carpet and papers everywhere from mail and he hasn't had a job in 2 months. Seriously he makes me feel guilty for not cleaning up the house and working a full time job! I know this is my first pregnancy and I'm only 16 weeks along but when I get up in the morning I don't have the energy to do much until I eat, and get hydrated for the day and then it's out the door to work. Yes, if I ask him to get me some food from the kitchen he usually does it when I don't feel good but makes a huge deal out of it like I'm asking him to run a marathon for me. He makes me feel like a terrible person on top of already physically not feeling good. I'm so frustrated. Is there anyone out there with any advice as to help him see differently without sparking another fight?! Don't get me wrong, I love him. I really do. But since I've been pregnant it's been hell. Please help!
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