Pregnant after IF

3rd Tri Check In

Hi ladies. 
I hope I have everyone's info correct.  If not, 
please let me know. 
If you are transferring to 3rd Tri pls let me know also
How are you feeling?  Any exciting news or updates? 
Yay!  I finally made it to 3rd Tri lol
I have been really behind since I can only update this at work.
I am really sorry for this.  I know some people have already
delivered that are currently still on the list please update me 
so I can update this list.  
Congrats to all the recent deliveries and arrival of LO's?
Robeano - hope you have a smooth delivery 
What classes did or will you take to prepare yourself for the arrival of LO?


Name Due Date Team
laureniskeen 1/3/2013 Boy
zfa061309 1/5/2013 Girl
nycitygirl1 1/12/2013 Boy
tdoyen 1/19/2013 Boy
sekura 1/28/2013 Boy
Robeano 1/29/2013 Girl
janabananac 1/30/2013 Girl
schnena77 1/31/2013 Boy
winofairy 2/9/2013 Boy
Ducky719 2/19/2013 Girl
purpleyes1081  2/18/13 Boy
moosegal 2/25/2013 Boy
kaf7 3/2/2013 Team Green
BabyRN2006 3/6/2013 Team Green
mnj05 3/7/2013 Boy
mrskitton 3/8/2013 Girl
Jezebell26 3/10/2013 Girl
EmilyB15 3/20/2013 Boy
candyreesecup 3/23/2013 Girl
racheyt0227 3/25/2013 Boy
hugmonkey 3/26/2013
LuvWIfootball 3/27/2013 triplets / Boys
DStevens429 4/22/2013 Boy
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers Confirmed Pregnancy 9/18/2010 M/C 10/27/2010 BLIGHTED OVUM 10/2011 - HSG 2 blocked tubes 11/4/2011 - Lap Surgery - Extensive tubal disease (tubes opened) 1/3/12 - Repeat HSG (L tube open, R tube blocked) 1/15/12 - R tube removed Started Stim Injections 2/17/12 Follistim 300iu and Low Dose HCG 10 units Trigger - 2/25/12 ER 2/27/12 ET - 5 dt - 3/3/12 1 blast transferred 9 frosties BETA #1 - 626 :) Beta #2 - 2470 :) Beta #3 - 5470 3/29/12 - 6wks 3 days - no yolk sac, embie, or hb :( Blighted Ovum 8/3/12 - FET #1 1 flickering blast transferred 8/9/12 - POAS + 8/15/12 - Beta #1 1400 Beta #2 3200 8/20/12 - U/S 5 wks 1 day Yolk Sac seen 8/28/12 - 6wks 2 days - Heartbeat 116 9/4/12 - 7wks 3 days - HB 136 YAY! TEAM BLUE!
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