3rd Trimester

Cramps vs. Contractions

Can someone please explain to me EXACTLY where their contractions hurt?  Everyone I ask keeps saying abdomen...  Well my abdomen is currently about 2 flippin' feet long and huge.  I'm have a c-section scheduled for 16 days, 20 hours, and 15 minutes.  But who's counting??

Here is a break down of the way I look at my "abdomen" : 

1. Upper - under your boobs

2. Mid - Across your belly button

3. Low - Menstrual Cramp area

4. Down - In your lady parts, where the baby is actually going to make her appearance from. 

Or a combination of a few of these?

I had all back labor with my first daughter so I don't know what to expect?  THANK YOU!! 

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