Pregnant after IF

success stories?

hi ladies...i'm usually on the secondary IF board, but thought ya'll might be able to answer a couple questions for me. i'm getting ready to do my first ivf cycle in february and just took the day 3 bloodwork (i'm 38). my fsh was 8, so within normal range, but the other test (i think it was e2, maybe? having to do with follicles?) was slightly lower than normal...i believe a 1/2 point or point off. anyone else have this situation? if so, and you did ivf, how many eggs were you able to have retrieved? we were hoping to do the attain program, as we're paying for everything out of pocket (and have been doing iui for a year...i've had 3 miscarriages (1 blighted ovum, 1 chemical preg, 1 'normal miscarriage' at 7 weeks). my RE told me i wouldn't be approved for the attain program because of the slightly "off" number, even though he didn't think it would be much of a problem as far as the ivf procedure would go, given that my fsh was normal and i don't have any other issues, as well as my husband. i read on the attain site that if you don't meet the criteria for the refund program, you can probably still do the mutli-cycle program (which is what i wanted to do anyhow). just wondering if anyone knows anything about that? also, if anyone had success with fsh and e2 (i believe) like mine?



8/09 DS born, pregnant 1st try with him...he's perfect. 8/10 BFP, 1st try...Blighted Ovum. D&C 10/10. 4/11 BFP...Chemical Pregnancy. 5/12 BFP...FHR 110 at 7 weeks, measured only 6 weeks. No heartbeat at 8 weeks. Miscarriage. 3 IUI cycles with clomid. all BPN. 4th IUI cycle with injectables (follistim 75iu & ovidrel). BFP, ending in miscarriage.
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