
Oversupply and STTN

DD started really STTN (10-12) hrs around ten weeks? And I woke up with mastitis.  I got it again a couple days after I finished the mess in the other boob and this time they upped the Meds and I started waking DD up to eat (my pump is not working for me but that's another post).  She's trying to go back to the 10-12 hr schedule which I'm happy with but how the heck do I decrease my supply?  I feel like its pretty great during the day but a couple hours after she goes to bed I'm starting to feel it...I've tried pumping to comfort, hand expressing a little bit, and then I'm also encouraging her to eat in the middle of the night now because my books have been feeling sore and I'm terrified of getting mastitis again!  Any ideas? Thanks!!
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