
5.5mo not sttn, pedi concerned?

So my almost 6 mo little guy does not sleep through the night, which I am ok with; however, my pediatrician was very convicting when mentioning that he should be sttn by now. She stated that if he was still eating in the middle of the night that it was because I trained him to.

He is EBF, though some times he take a bottle of BM because I work full time. Either way, he generally wakes up 2-3 times a night. Generally I will re-position him to help get gas out or snuggle him back to sleep, but often he wants to nurse and he will not go back to sleep without eating. Again, I am ok with this, but my pediatrician insists that I am training him to want to eat at night.

 Any experience with this? Is your LO sttn at 6 mo? Do they wake up to eat? Do I need to wean away from this? I am very pro baby led weaning and this just doesn't feel right to me.  

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