October 2012 Moms

The flu is killing my milk supply!!

I've had the flu since Friday, and I've noticed that over the last couple of days each pumping session is producing less and less milk (I EP so this is the total amount of my milk supply). Before I got sick I had just dropped down to 5 pumps per day and was getting roughly an ounce per hour, so 24 ounces each day. Now each of my pumping sessions is producing up to 1 ounce less than normal, so that means I've lost around 5 ounces per day!

I'm trying to stay hydrated and the only medications I'm taking are Tamiflu and ibuprofin for the fever/aches, so I'd be surprised if it's from the medication. Will my milk supply come back on its own once I'm better or am I going to have to go back to 7-8 pumping sessions a day to get it back?? I was just starting to enjoy fewer pumping sessions and I'm going to just be devastated if I have to start over trying to rebuild my supply. 

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