
Could use some encouragement

I need a boost today. I'm just feeling like I'm so over breastfeeding. DD is almost 10 months. We've struggled from the beginning. Despite all my efforts, my supply was never enough, so I've been supplementing long term. I had to increase to 12 oz of formula a day at 6 months, and I've held steady there. I told myself that I would go to a year no matter how little breastmilk she was getting, but I'm doubting that decision recently.

Each feeding feels like a battle. Sometimes she's sleepy, so she passes out almost instantly. I spend 3045 minutes encouraging her to drain the breast. The times she's awake, she squirms, pulls, pops on and off, bites, kicks, and pinches. It's just not a pleasant experience. She still doesn't have much of a schedule. I feel like it would be so much easier to establish one if she were EFF.

I'm just feeling worn down by nursing. I wonder if it's worth the effort considering how much formula she gets anyway.

I doubt I'll actually quit because I already have enough supplements and dom to make it to her first birthday. I'm just feeling down and need some encouragement today.
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