August 2013 Moms

It's pretty horrible.

With all the media attention about bullying and nastiness on public forums like FB, you would think that woman who are or are going to be mothers would be a little more sensitive.  I hope and pray that no one does to your children what you have done to these poor women just looking for connections and support. 

And in response to the troll. I'm sure there are plenty on here. That's why it's a dumb idea to give out your personal information to anyone.  I was on an Aol board for dec2006 and we didn't realize one women was a troll until almost a year after our kids were born. I'm sure you have more on your precious group than you know.  

Dianna & Mike Proud parents of Angelina 12/07/06 & Gabriella 03/07/11 Belly bean #3 due August 2013 Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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