3rd Trimester

Enough already! (rant)

I'm so sick of all of these posts questioning whether or not to vaccinate.  Seriously!?  (To clarify I do not mean a delayed schedule of vaccinations, just the absurd notion of not doing it at all).  The only reason someone would even consider this is they just don't know what these diseases can do to a child.  Afraid of autism?  That research was faked.  Scary mercury?  The trace amounts that exist in vaccines isn't going to hurt you (especially not compared to diptheria)! 

Maybe there are some negative side effects that science just hasn't been able to find yet.  The risk of these side effects is so low even if they do exist their effects vary greatly in severity.  Want to know what the side effects of the diseases that vaccines prevent?  Disfigurement.  Paralysis.  Death. 

Ever heard the expression "first world problems?"  This is the perfect example.  I can't imagine what a parent in a 3rd world country, where many of these diseases are still prevalent, who has watched their child die from one of them, would say if they heard about this debate.

I will end this rant with some fun facts.  A selection of mortality rates: Measles: 1.3%, Diptheria: 20% in children, 5-10% in adults, Pertussis: 2-4%, Tetanus: around 50%, Hepatitis B: 40% (lifetime), Polio: 1% paralysis ("Mommy, why can't I walk like my friends can?" "Because the vaccine had as much mercury in it as a can of tuna fish sweetie!")

Go to this link to get educated and stop talking nonsense.  http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd-vac/fact-sheet-parents.html

End rant.

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