3rd Trimester

41w4d. Going in tomorrow for "Cervix Ripening"

 I reposted this from the January 2013 board hoping to get some more answers. I should have asked sooner, but since it's so close I'm hoping to hear all of your stories!

 I'm tight as a clam as the doctor would say and I haven't experience any contraction. I'm going in tomorrow at 5 am, so in 10 hours, to get my cervix ripened. She said it takes about 6 hours and I may or may not get going enough to go into labor, so there is a chance that I might get sent home. My doctor has never really been very informative and since it's my first pregnancy, sometimes I don't know what questions to ask. What can I expect tomorrow morning? Is it pretty likely I'll just get sent home? She did say that she thinks all I'll need is a little nudge to get going.

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