Pregnant after IF

Just found this board!

Hi ladies, I just discovered that this board exists!  I've been on PGAL a couple of times, but mostly on my date and tri boards.  Anyway, WAY back in the day I posted on the IF board, although I doubt many of you will remember me (I posted as jebuell back then, I started a new account when I married H) because this was in 2009-2010.   But if any of you are from back in those days, too, hi!   Good to see you all here!  :)

My IF background... when I was 15 I was having severe issues with cycsts bursting and was basically told that due to damage and the number/size of my cysts that I would have a very difficult time getting pregnant, if it were even possible.  I was married in 2008 at age 24 and we started TTC about 6 months later.  We tried to be optimistic at first since it had been over a decade since the doctor told me that, but I had one m/c and a c/p then bit the bullet and went to a doctor.  They discovered two fibroids in my uterus and one near my cervix, which was removed.  I was told I would probably need another more extensive surgery on one ovary before I could get PG, but my doctor encouraged us to give it a try without that first since it would be very invasive.  We started trying again two months later but nothing ever happened.  At this point my marriage was falling apart and we eventually split ways and filed for divorce in 2010.

Later that year I met my H.  We did a long distance thing for a while, during which time I played the "I don't want to be in a relationship card", but eventually gave in and we moved in together.  In 2011 I had another m/c with him so I figured I would need that other surgery sooner or later in order to have a viable pregnancy.  We were married in February 2012 but I figured I'd still hold off on going back to the doctor until we were really ready to have kids (and had better insurance), which we weren't at all since H is still in school and I decided to go back to get another degree so we both cut back on our jobs to go to school.

Well... around Thanksgiving time it dawned on me that I hadn't seen AF in a while.  This isn't too unusual since I can have really love cycles, but I randomly decided to test one night.  It was a BFP!  I was SHOCKED!  H was shocked!  I took four more tests just to be sure.  Of course all were positive, I just still couldn't believe it.  I did the math and figured I could be as far along as 11 weeks.

We went to the clinic on campus about a week later and they did an u/s and dated me at 7 weeks.  This was 2 weeks past the furthest along I ever got with any of the other pregnancies.  I completely skipped right over my loss dates without even realizing it.  

I am both beyond grateful that we were able to get PG seemingly so easily and that everything has been going so great so far.  But I'm also realistic in that it could be one of those one in a million things and we may not be able to get PG this easily again so I haven't fully dodged my IF bullet.  Even the doctor that did my u/s commented that he was surprised I was pregnant when he was doing the u/s!   But for this one I am just beyond thrilled! 


Janine & Cody | Georgetown, Grand Cayman | Feb. 28th, 2012

Surprise BFP | Baby Due Late July/Early August 2013

Pregnancy Ticker

I believe in a lot of things. I believe in fresh tennis balls, the healing power of bunnies, and that the novels of Susan Sontag are something I'll never read. In fact, I don't even know who Susan Sontag is. What is she... like... a painter? I believe in Crystal Lite because I believe in ME. I believe in the movies of Val Kilmer, though these days it ain't so easy. I believe in Darren Sproles, the word "dabble", the first season of "Silk Stockings", and big, warm, moist, gooey chocolate chip cookies that melt in your mouth and all over your face.

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