3rd Trimester

Made it to the 3rd tri :) Intro

Hi ladies, moving up from second tri board. This is our first little one and we are expecting a girl april 21st. We are super excited and the count down is on :)
Trying To Conceive Since October 2010 October 2010 BFP :) -> November 2010 M/C @ 7weeks Clomid Cycle #1 July 2011 = BFN Clomid Cycle #2 September 2011 = BFN Clomid Cycle #3 November 2011 = BFN Letrazole Cycle #1 = January 2012 = BFN HSG February 2012- Growths in uterus both tubes open D&C March 2012- Remove Polyps SURPRISE BFP-August 15 2012 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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