
thrush or milk blister? (f/u to clog posts)

So you may have seen my posts below about this ongoing clog I had...finally got rid of it about 48 hours later.

Last night, I got in the shower and was trying to hand express. When applying pressure, I noticed a tiny white spot on the nipple, but couldn't really see it anymore when not applying pressure (like it was deeper inside). This morning, though, it was visible on the outside of the nipple without needing to apply pressure...looked like a small white pimple. I scraped it off with my fingernail (even though this is probably a no-no for risk of infection). It came off and just felt like a little hard, dry ball. I immediately pumped after that and a ton of milk came out and I no longer feel the boob is soft again. And significantly less nipple pain when DS latches (hardly any pain at all anymore).

So my question is...I know thrush can also appear as white spots on the nipple. But I'm thinking this sounds more like it was a milk blister. Also, I don't see any other white spots or any in LO's mouth.

Will call OB tomorrow and ask what she thinks and if I need to continue the antibiotic...just wondering what you all think in the meantime.  

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