
Do I have to wait 2 weeks to start pumping?

Do I have to wait 2 weeks to start pumping?  LO is 5 days old and I would like to have some bottles on hand so DH can help with night time feedings.  I also get uncomfortable excusing myself and LO to another room to feed when grandparents are over-- Both DH and myself were FF.  Our parents are supportive of our choice, but don't understand that the schedule is very important (to me).

I also want to up LO's weight by Wednesday.  Not drastically, but I need to show she can gain on my breastmilk or we'll have to supplement.  (not the main point as I will still use breastmilk as long as LO is healthy with me doing so). 

Edit:  I'm a first time nurser and I need to change my ticker, LO is out and 5 days old.

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