August 2013 Moms

Need tp for a friend

I have a close friend who has been pregnant with me through my last tree children. When I was pregnant with our first daughter she gave birth to her angel baby at 39 weeks. When I was pregnant with Emma she gave birth to her son. We thought it was so funny that she found out se was pregnant about a week after us this time. She went in for her first appt and they found some issues. The doctor found multiple holes in the baby's heart and fluid in the brain. I am so sad for her and her husband. They amazingly made it through losing their little girl at birth two years ago and they now have to make a heartbreaking decision regarding this new child.
I am also quite amazed that the doctor was able to see all of that so early on. Honestly every ultrasound I have had this early just looks like a blob
I don't want her to pull away, but can understand her feelings also. It can't be easy to see us and know that she should have kids the same age
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