3rd Trimester

Need some advice

I also posted in March 2013 board.

I'm almost 31 weeks with my second DD. With my first pregnancy I never had any BH or felt any contractions and ended up having a CS at 37 weeks due to really low fluid and she was breech so I never felt what labor is like.

I found out last week that i have low fluid again so I'm going in every week to have it checked and seeing a high risk dr to see if something is causing it since its happened twice now.

FF to now. I've been having really bad back pain and inconsistent contractions in my back for a few weeks now. When I get my period I always have cramps/pain in my back, never my stomach 45 hours ago i srarted getting the dull back pain, really bad pains, and then dull pain again but still nothing condistsnt. Then about 45 min ago I started spotting a little bit so I called my dr. He said it definitely sounds like contractions, to prop my feet up, take a bath and try to relax. If its not better in a couple hours or it gets worse to go in to LD.

I'm just wondering if it sounds like labor/contractions, if I should worry about the spotting since I haven't done anything to warrant it in the past 24 hours and if the low fluid could be contributing or making things worse? Any advice or insight would be really appreciated! TIA!
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