3rd Trimester

40 Weeks, will be 41 weeks tomorrow.

This is my second pregnancy, so I naturally thought that maybe just maybe our LO would decide to arrive early? My first was was induced and he was 2 weeks late. As time goes on, and nothing happens - I worry that there is something wrong with me. How many second times mums have been induced and had been with the first one too? The midwife is not concerned about me or the baby - the baby is moving around just fine! The pressure is intense! I had my appointment on Monday, and I was only 1cm dilated. I feel like I am going crazy with the dreams, and lack of sleep! I have an appointment again on Monday and the midwife said that they would schedule a NST and go from there. I don't want to have to be induced, when my first one was, he was lethargic and didn't cry right away, and I am very worried that its going to happen again with this one! *Sighs* I am so frusterated, I just want her to be out and be able to hold her.
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