August 2013 Moms

should i just learn patience?

I had my 1st dr appt last tues at 9w 5d expecting to get an u/s or to at least b able to hear my babys hb but it didnt happen.. he said using the doppler was too early..guess my dr office is old school cuz i had to go somewhere else to do all my bloodwork and i have to go to the hospital everytime i get an u/s which they scheduled me for this wed. I dont think the tech at the hospital is going to tell me my baby is ok.. my dr office told me to call on fri for the results so that means even more waiting : i just dont understand why all these women on here can hear/see their babies at 6wks and here I am 10wk3d and im still impatiently waiting.. i just want to know that everything is ok.. at my appt he told me my hcg levels were low but didnt give me a number..when i went for my bloodwork they tested for my levels but yet again i have to wait for results.. he said it could mean something but it could mean nothing too.. so confused on if i should find a new dr but i really dont want to.. it just doesnt seem fair that everyone else can be put at ease and im still waiting.. :
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