
BFing then she sleeps...kind of long

I am so frustrated! I have been working on BFing with DD since day 1. She was not latching on right. Took her to the dr and they said it was because she is tongue tied. Today we took her to the dr and they clipped it, no big deal. Now she wants to eat non stop tonight and since she wasnt latching right we have been giving her formula as well as BF. I am afraid to much formula will give her gas and is not to good for her. So I have been BFing her for about 2 hours now off and on. But it seems like she will drink for maybe 5min and fall asleep. I move her to burp and she is awake screaming for more. So I put her back on and it just keeps repeating. What can I do to make her full or keep her awake long enough to feed more?
Married My Best Friend 5/21/2010 <a href="" title="D
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