August 2013 Moms

Tylenol Question

So I had a horrible headache today (after having near-migraines all week) and decided to take a full dosage of Extra Strength Tylenol (TWO 500-mg caplets) to at least take the edge off.

Now I'm hearing from people that I'm only supposed to take 2 REGULAR strength Tylenols (which are TWO 325-mg tablets), or 1 Extra Strength Tylenol. My doctor didn't make a distinction as to what to take or how much, so I just followed the directions on the bottle. 

I don't know if it's me, but I've never seen regular strength Tylenol in any drugstore, only online. Not even in the generic forms. 

Has anyone here found regular strength Tylenol in their local drugstores? Does anyone know if Extra Strength is okay in 2 caplets or only one?

Edited to clarify that it was TWO caplets of 500mg each. 

BabyFruit Ticker
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