
Dilemma- BF and TTC


 My daughter is now 7 months old and ebf. I love everything about bf!! In march when she is 9 months we want to start trying for number 2.

My dilemma:

I want our kids fairly close in age and I only have so many years i can be a sahm and i want to make the most of it. BUT I am worried my supply will dry up when i get pregnant and i feel guilty short changing her(and me).

What should I do?

My doctor was zero help, everytime bf is brought up she stops juuust short of saying stop. when i brought ttc up with her she said DD will only be nursing once or twice a day by then (hahaha ya right) and its more important for the new baby to get the nutruients. I know many women can bf and be pg.

Thank you

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