August 2013 Moms


Anyone thinking about getting away for a few days prior to baby's arrival?

My family is going down to Sandbridge, VA the second week in August - it's quite a drive from New York (they will all be flying from Boston - I'm the loner who moved out of state) - They are trying to convince me I'll be ok to go for a few days (I'm due August 24th). I get a little sad thinking I may have to miss the trip, I have 4 sisters and 3 gorgeous little neices and nephews - it will be the whole crew - brother in laws and all! Obviously my LO and his/her arrival will be the most important thing to me at that time...

With that said.. 

I would love to get away for a bit - without worrying that I might pop at any minute! I'm a Massachusetts native so perhaps a week down the cape in July - I could eat Sundae School ice cream every day for a week no questions asked :)

I know it's a long ways off - but trying to keep positive thoughts as we all work our way through the first Tri!!  

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