
Refusing EBM at Daycare

DS is almost 10 months old.  He's been in daycare for 2 weeks now.  I have been sending him with frozen BM but he has been refusing it.  We tried a bottle and 3 different sippy cups and he wouldn't take more than 1oz, total all week. 

Yesterday DH offered him a sippy while I was at a doctor's appointment and he wouldn't take it either.  When I got home I tried to see if he would take it for me but he wouldn't.  I noticed that the milk smelled sour.  It was frozen from September.  I thawed a couple more bags from Sept and they all smelled sour.  I had to dump a LOT of milk. 

Today I sent him to daycare with fresh (never frozen) milk that I had pumped the day before and he still refused to drink it.  He is eating well while he`s at daycare and will drink water from his sippy.  He nurses well once he`s home. 

Is it ok for him to go all day without BM? 

I'm pumping while he is there but now I'm afraid to freeze any of the milk because I'm worried it will go bad.  My milk seems to only stay good for about 3 months frozen (in the deep freeze).  I've read on kelly mom that it could be caused by the fish oil supplement I've been taking.

I'm looking in to donating the excess milk I have.  Any other ideas on what I can do with the milk?  I pumped 8oz today while he was away and he didn't drink anything at daycare.  I made some pancakes and used BM instead of cow's milk and I'll freeze those for him.  Any other recipes to use BM?

Should I continue to pump while he's away even if he's not drinking milk while there? I've noticed that once he gets home he wants to nurse more frequently and will drink from both sides when normally he would just drink from one. I feel like he's "catching up" on the milk he missed while at daycare. I'm afraid if I pump while he's away there won't be enough in my breasts for once he's home. 

Sorry for the long post and all the questions.  Hoping someone can share some insight! TIA!

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