
Help! 4mo old weight gain dropping off

Just left my 4mo dr visit and LO just keeps getting skinnier! He was 75th percentile at birth and is now all the way down to the 25th. It wasn't sudden - he's steadily been gaining slightly less weight than he should since he was 2 weeks - so the doctor isn't really worried. But she wants us to start introducing solids to get some extra calories in.

I don't want to not do what the dr says, but I've worked really hard to breastfeed and was hoping to wait to introduce solids until closer to 6 mos. I'm wondering if anyone had luck bulking up baby without solids, or if anyone actually found adding solids helped with weight gain?

LO currently nurses at 7/730am, takes 3 4-5 ounce bottles at daycare at 10, 1, and 4ish, nurses again around 6:30pm before we start bedtime, and typically wakes up once at night to eat around 4am.

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