August 2013 Moms

Told my boss about PG

We had a one-on-one and I thought i would tell her, because I didn't feel well yesterday and they were trying to send me home because of the flu and I was like I promise you I don't have the flu.  LOL!

 She was really happy and said that this made her day, since she had a crappy day.  

She asked me what my plans were and I told her what I would like to do.  She wants me to write it up and submit it, but doesn't want me to tell anyone else at work, because we have a lot of changes going on and she wants to have everything in a row, before we tell anyone else.

Additionally, she all ready figured out who will cover for me.

i was really nervous about all the changes going on with work and I have a terrible director (boss's boss), but I am happy I told her. 

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