
Breastfeeding and returning to work

I have a couple of questions. I will be returning to work FT 6-7 weeks after LO arrives and I'm a little lost on how to handle it. None of the women in my family have returned to work FT after having kids (most of them worked from home in the first place) so despite their best intentions, they haven't had a lot of advice. DH and I attended a BF class last night and left with several questions. I would have stayed to ask the LC, but I was so exhausted I just wanted to head home and go to bed. So here are my questions:

1) About when did you start pumping to stock up for when you returned to work?
2) On average, about how often do you pump each day?
3) Does your work have a designated area for pumping? The only place I know of where I work is across campus in the student center...

Sorry, FTM here and I'm a bit clueless... My sisters-in-law haven't pumped unless it was manually, so I feel a bit lost on what I need to know and the LC didn't really talk about it last night.

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