3rd Trimester

Call the Doc or Not: Bloody Show

Yesterday I hit the 38 week mark and at my appt. the doc checked me and I was dialated at 4 and completely effaced she said she would be surprised if I didn't deliver over the weekend. Before bed yesterday I went to the bathroom and saw blood on my underwear (sorry gross I know) and was having contractions, I called in and the nurse told me to call if the contractions got closer or if there was more blood. Well when I went to the bathroom around 2 am I had worn a pad to bed and there was more blood on it, but I had no contractions. This morning at 4:30 when I went to the bathroom I'm pretty sure my mucus plug started coming out, but my contractions still aren't around. I guess what I'm getting at is I've been debating on whether to call in to see if anything is wrong over if im overreacting. Anyone have recommendations?? This is #2 for me but my son was born premature by c/s so I really have no idea what is an emergency and what is normal.

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