
Not sure what to do now-long

So I had some trouble conceiving my son and ended up needing metformin, clomid and progesterone. My husband and I want a large family and he jokes that I had my son on April 29 and on April 30 I was ready to be pregnant again. I didn't know if I would get pregnant and lose my supply during his first year or maybe want to wean early to TTC so the first 6 months of my son's life I pumped extra every day, starting with about 4 ounces extra the first month and getting up to 14 ounces extra a day during the last month. I have stored it in a separate deep freeze at -6 where I have read it can be good up to 12 months but I have rotated using the oldest stuff from the first month when we have had babysitters.

My husband and I planned a trip to the Bahamas in February for 5 days and I was planning on weaning by then (he'll be over 9 and a half months) and using my frozen stash to get him to a year or beyond. 

Well I forgot that I had put about a months worth of milk in my sister in law's deep freeze when I was running out of room and she just told me yesterday that it defrosted when their power went out and it was thrown out.

My goal had always been to get him to a year without using formula and without that milk it might only be 11 months. I don't know if I should keep going nursing and  just pump and dump while we are away as I won't be able to store/safely transport. My husband doesn't want me to pump while we are away and is just wondering why we couldn't start cow's milk a month early or just give him formula if we run out. I do want to wean in hopes of getting my cycle back to TTC as at nine months there hasn't been a hint of my period. I just think I'll be upset if after all that pumping I'll end up having to give him formula and am not sure if I should keep nursing just a little while longer or wean for the trip as planned and deal with running out of milk when it happens.

Any thoughts? 

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