August 2013 Moms

Out of town wedding at 37!

Recently my DH's brother became engaged. Since he is older they are having a short engagement and are thinking of having the wedding the first weekend in August. Obviously this is DH brother and not exactly a wedding we can skip. I will be almost 37 weeks at that point AND it's a 4 hour drive (normally we would fly, but that is out of the question) Since the date has not been set in stone yet, I have kindly asked DH to talk to his brother about our situation. Even though they plan to have a small wedding, by no means are we trying to have them center their day around us. But I do think it's something that needs to be discussed. BIL doesn't have any children and does not understand pregnancy and what being 37 weeks means! That's why I need DH to interviene. Also, we are talking Miami heat in August...not very plesant (and I am assuming wedding is outdoors)

What would you guys do? Am I over worrying about all this (I am a FTM)? Any advice is greatly appreciated Tongue Tied

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