
XP sleep training... and BF.

XP from Aug 2012 So, I have a few questions... We are planning to start some sort of sleep training soon.

I am curious how you work MOTN feedings.  I'm pretty sure that the Ferber method is meant to get rid of those feedings and not just the extra night wakings right? What if I'm not ready to give that up quite yet?  I work full time and will only get to nurse once a day if I don't do the nighttime ones (we give a 5 oz bottle before bed because my supply is usually low in the evenings).  I don't think I am ok with that. So what are your thoughts on how to sleep train but only for falling asleep and the unnecessary nighttime wakings. I would like to get rid of all those wake-ups and nurse just once in the night. but can you "train" him to do that?

 Currently he is nursing twice and up between 2 and 6 times/night. He needs to be shushed, rocked, bounced, or able to suck back to sleep when he wakes.


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