
XP: Extended BF and Fertility

I posted this on attachment parenting also, but thought I would post here as well in case I get a little more traction. Sorry for the bold font.
My daughter is 17 months old.  She still nurses about 4-5 times between 8pm and 630am, but not at all during the day. I needed Provera to kickstart my body for DD (I didn't get a cycle from it, but I conceived about 3 weeks later), and I still haven't gotten a cycle since she was born.  My doctor prescribed Provera again a couple of months ago, but it didn't cause a cycle.  She said to come back when I have weaned DD entirely, but although I would like to get pregnant again (sooner rather than later), I feel very guilty weaning DD completely just to TTC.  Since we've already cut out daytime feedings, the only option left is to nightwean, but she doesn't seem inclined to do that.
Have any of you gone through this?  Any ways to boost fertility that don't include weaning or changing my relationship with DD?  Did you have to wean completely to conceive again?  Thanks for any feedback, answers, or really just anecdotes one way or the other.  I don't have any friends who nursed past a year, so I find there are very few people I can chat with about this...most think I should have weaned long ago.
* Married June 2008 * * DD born August 2011 *
BFP#2 2/19/13 EDD 11/1/13!
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