3rd Trimester

Birthplan? FTM here....

So I was talking with my dr yesterday at my appointment and I realized I haven't really finalized my birthplan. But then a lot of my friends who are nurses said, "Don't even bother, between you and the doctor, it won't stick." I'm trying to be realistic, but at the same time, I have a few things that are important to me that I want the hospital to know. Am I really that unrealistic if I come with a list (not a long one) for my plan? The main things are that I do NOT want an epidural (I know, I know, that is as likely to hold fast as an ice cream cone in July) and a c-section should be only in event of emergency. But my OB sees no reason at this point why she would need to do a c-section. But there were a few other requests and I was wondering what you ladies thought... Am I going overboard?


hep-lock instead of IV and occassional fetal monitoring instead of constant unless deemed medically necessary (my OB is fine with this)

freedom to move as much as possible


wait until cord limp/emptied (whatever you call it) until cutting

APGAR done while I hold baby- if that not a possibility (I've heard both from hospital staff) we'd like DH to be with LO as much as possible

nursing ASAP

keep LO in room and on my chest ASAP after delivery


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