August 2013 Moms

First Prental Appointment: What to Expect

I am writing this post because I am a first time mom, and had no clue what to expect on our first prenatal visit.  Read cautiously, as I know doctors' procedures differ from practice to practice.

The first question I was asked at check-in (after all the insurance paperwork was filled out), was if I had brought proof of pregnancy.  I did not, so I went and peed in a cup.

For the first part of my appointment, my husband and I met with an LPN.  She asked us extensive questions about our family history dealing with illness, disease, and chronic conditions.  She took thorough notes on her computer.  Then, she gave us a folder which contained the "Do's and Don'ts" of pregnancy.  She reviewed the highlights.  I was able to ask her questions, although I felt that she wasn't the "expert".

Then, we went to an examination room.  A nurse came in and took my vitals, and asked about the first day of my last period.  I stayed fully clothed and our doctor came in.  She was kind and professional.  She asked how I was feeling, and we discussed my morning sickness (all day sickness) and my first pregnancy jitters.  She notices I was due for a Pap Smear, so she left and I undressed and put the robe on.

She performed an internal ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy.  It was not painful, but I did feel some pressure.  We saw our baby!  It had a strong heartbeat and was moving all around.  She dated me at 10 weeks pregnant.  Then, she checked my ovaries and printed out my photos.

Then, I had a regular examination done (pap smear, breast exam).  No other doctor has ever asked me to flex my PC muscles, but she did.  They were weak, and she recommended Kegels.

My doctor ordered lab work, which we got done the same day.  More peeing in a cup and 5 viles of blood drawn.

My next appointment is in 4 weeks. Ladies...I hope this helps!  Good luck at your first appointment!

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