
Talk me off the ledge (4.5 months in of EBF)...

DD has been an excellent nurser. We never had an issue....until about 3 weeks ago. In the evenings, she's been lazy and/or tired and gets frustrated. She will absolutely throw a fit if let down doesn't occur immediately (which it doesn't). This results in me having to hand her over to DH (mind you we have a 3 yr old too who we are trying to get to bed) and pump....then feed her with a bottle. I've been doing this at least once every night. I don't know if I am shooting myself in the foot. I don't know if my supply is an issue (still eating 2x during the night). My middle of the night feedings go well because I am slightly engorged..same for the mornings. But, the late afternoon and evening feedings are trying. 

Im frustrated, she's frustrated.... 

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