
Pumping supply concern

Hi all, so I'm about to return to work and will be pumping during the day to supply her feedings while in daycare. Currently I'm EBF with the occasional bottle when my parents watch LO, etc. Sometimes DH will give her a bottle on the evening and I'll sit on the other couch and pump. Theoretically I should be able to pump what she eats (3.75) since I'm replacing the nursing with pumping, right? I'm lucky if I get 1.5-2 this way. I'll pump after the first feeding in the morning and I'll typically be able to get 2ish but that's only when she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night to nurse. When she does wake up I'm lucky to get more than 1oz.

I'm really concerned that what happens at night when DH gives a bottle will happen all day at work and I won't be able to keep up with LO. I'm also a little worried bc while taking the lecithin has really helped my plugged ducts go away and be less frequent, I often can't clear the plug with pumping. 

Other than drink more water and try the lactation cookies, any ideas? I know if I stress too much about this I might not pump as well too, so hopefully you guys have some good tips :) TIA! 


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