
Over supply question

How do you know you have an over supply? I know that question might sound silly. :P Is it when LO doesn't empty the breast completely? DD nurses sometimes for 30-40 minutes on one side and still doesn't empty the breast. :/ So this leaves my other side engorged by the time she's ready to eat again, and of course she doesn't empty it either.

i have been pumping once a day to get some relief and to get a stash started, but I also found out yesterday that I have the dreaded Mastitis. :( So that has been throwing things off as well. I let DD nurse on the side where the Mastitis is to help it, and pump after she's done because she doesn't empty it. I'm afraid I'm causing my body to build an over supply, but that side NEEDS to be emptied. Any recommendations or advice on this situation? Could I be causing an over supply by pumping once a day? 

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BFP #1:10/31/10 DS born 6/22/11 BFP #3:4/24/12 DD born 12/31/12
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