
Pumping Frequency Question

Hello.  I just started back to work, and therefore pumping regularly, this week.  I'm a little concerned that my current pumping schedule may not be the best though.  As it is right now, my daughter nurses sometime between 5 and 6:30 am (usually only taking one side), then my first pumping session isn't until about 11:30 - 12.  I have been producing a ridiculous amount during that first session (like 9-14 ounces), but I'm wondering if waiting so long between the last time she nurses and the first time I pump is going to cause problems with my supply if I keep up that schedule.  I also pump again at around 3 or so (and am lucky to get 3-4 ounces total during that session) and then pick up my daughter between 5 and 6 pm and she has been nursing once between then and her pre-bedtime feeding (around 8-9 pm)... so I'm not so concerned about timing for the rest of the day.  So, do you think I'm potentially hurting my supply by having so much time before that first pumping session (5-6 hours or so), or do you think it's not an issue as long as I am able to yield so much during that session?  TIA!
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