3rd Trimester

TMI: mucus/bloody show/contractions

Alright this is my 2nd baby and the first one I got induced so I have nothing to compare it to so I need opinions and information.

On Wednesday night at 3:15 I woke up and went to the bathroom wiped and I had blood with mucus I was having contractions as well off and on. Throughout the day yesterday (Wednesday) I was having contractions but they were not consistent and not close together. Also, I would have this mucus discharge with blood throughout the day and now today (Thursday) I'm having contractions that are more intense and frequent but I'm still having bloody mucus and now a little bit more watery substance in my underwear. Enough where the watery substance/mucus will go through my underwear but it doesn't run down my leg or go through my pants. 

I just want to make sure is this normal to having this bloody mucus for this long? Now what about the more watery substance? Could this be my water just breaking slowly? 

Thanks for the help!!!!

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