3rd Trimester

I Need Impartial Opinions Please .. (NBR)

As you can tell, I am very much just a lurker. I intro'd back in the summer when I found out I was pregnant and am now 33 weeks. But this question isn't about me. 

My neighbor's residents consist of a great grandmother, a grand mother (the house owner), her son, his girlfriend and their 9 month old girl. The father is 36, has had drug addiction problems all his life and has been in and out of jail. He does not work and even though he claims to be on the methodone program, we all suspect he's using again.

The mother is 20. She aged out of her foster home at 18 and moved to my state and lived on the streets. So my neighbors took her in and that's the only reason the two of them "hooked up." She never graduated high school and is HIGHLY uneducated for her age.

This POOR baby girl. That's my main concern, but I don't know what action I should take. These are just some things "outsiders" have noticed.

*She's always been underweight at her check ups (her doctor says she's just petite)

*Three of them are SEVERE smokers and the baby lives in that every day. Her eyes always look red/irritated and she has breathing difficulties when she gets fussy/upset

*She doesn't make eye contact when talked to. She just looks all around you or looks at your neck/other area. You can see she never looks at your mouth or eyes.

*She doesn't smile when smiled at or talked to playfully. Her facial expression never changes.


Anyway, these are just some of the issues that are easily explained but there are more. We've been keeping an eye on her since she was a few months. I just don't know what to do? If I should do anything at all?

Maybe flame me for letting her to to 9 months without intervention, but I just can't bring myself to be "that person" that gets her taken away.

Any help is appreciated! TIA. 

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