
Weaning off supplements question..

My DS is 10 weeks old, and has been on supplements for about a month now.  They range anywhere from 2-6 ounces.   Every time I pump, after a nursing session or to replace a feeding, I get at least two ounces, but never more than three.  I've been nursing, then giving a bottle, then pumping, and it's getting exhausting.  I'm pretty sure that he's just getting used to the bottle because it's easier.  I want to wean him off the supplements, but I'm just so confused on the best way to do it.  I want to make him nurse more, but don't want to starve the poor kid!

I had to start supplementing because I almost quit BF because he had a lot of reflux/colic issues, and it was REALLY hard with 2 other kiddos.  I really don't want to quit, but I'm getting so frustrated with the whole thing.  I'm not eating any dairy currently, and am taking Fenugreek. 

I would appreciate ANY advice.  Thanks! 

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