
One Year!

One year ago today I held my son and breastfed for the first time. This morning I held him and fed him for the several-hudredth (or thousandth) time. 

I NEVER in a million years would have told you that I would breastfeed for a year. My original plan was 6 months. Working full time, oversupply, bottle refusal early on and reverse cycling and the sleep deprivation that came with it, milk intolerance, reflux. . .it's all water under the bridge now. I'm so happy I kept going. We'll probably wean soon, but I don't know when (I've been saying that for months now though. . .) 

I wanted to say thanks to this board for encouragement, answering questions, and keeping me entertained while I was up in the night or nursing for what seemed like hours during growth spurts:) I really had no support system other than this board, a couple of books, and a good Lactation Consultant at my pediatricians office.

And to those of you struggling or questioning. . .just take it day by day. That's what I did and now we're at a year. This time went by so quickly.


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